
Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Positive Technologicalã¢â‚¬â€¹ Change?

Effect of Customer Relationship Direction on Customer Retentiveness in the Ghanaian Banking Sector

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Commendation: Result of Customer Human relationship Management on Customer Retention in the Ghanaian Banking Sector American Enquiry Periodical of Business concern and Management. 2018; 4(1): 1-12.

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The study investigates the issue of customer relationship management on customer retention in the Ghanaian cyberbanking sector. The population of the study incorporate of customers who used cyberbanking services in the Kumasi metropolis in Republic of ghana which is estimated to run into thousands. The study conveniently and purposively sampled 278 of which 278 responses were usable representing 100% response rate. The study is explanatory and closed ended questionnaires were used collect data. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20 was the software used in information analysis. The study used multiple linear regression and correlation for interpretation and testing hypothesis. Cronbach alpha was also used to assessed internal consistency among the variables. The report found customer relationship management to positively and significantly affects customer’s retention in the banking industry. The report recommends that customer relationship management should exist improved by various banks in order to remain competitive.

Keywords: CRM, Organisational structure, Advice channel, Engineering science availability, Resisting customer complaints, Client retention.



Customer human relationship management (CRM) and customer satisfaction are strategic decisions taken past firms in both product and operational industry to attract new customers, build a profitable human relationship with customers both existing and endeavour to keep customers by meeting their expectations, this helps firms to increase sales of whatsoever blazon of product or service they are offer to a detail marketplace; thereby increasing their profits as well (i). Customer human relationship consists of managing every aspect of interactions a company has with its customers, including prospecting, sales and service. CRM applications seek to provide insight into and meliorate the company or customer relationship by combining all these views of customer interaction into one picture (1).

CRM is categorised into four types, namely; strategic CRM, operational CRM, analytical CRM and collaborative CRM. Strategic CRM focuses on winning and retaining profitable customers whilst Operational CRM looks at the automation of customer-facing processes such as selling, marketing and customer service. Belittling CRM is on the intelligent mining of client-related information but Collaborative CRM applies applied science across organizational boundaries (one). Customer satisfaction is a person’s judgement of a product’s perceived operation in relationship to expectations. If the operation beneath customer’s expectations, the client is disappointed. If it matches expectations, the customer is satisfied. If it exceeds them, the customer is delighted (2). Client retentiveness refers to the repeated transactions on a contractual-based human relationship with customers, either formal or informal, over a menstruum of fourth dimension (3).

CRM could bring many benefits to the banking sector, though there are some associated challenges. Such challenges often bring a significant risk of failure; withal, the report considers the changes that have emerged in the last decade with regards to customer expectations when patronizing banking products or services.

Qualitative approaches are used to investigate the overlaps between customer expectations and managers’ perceptions of CRM applications. The findings reveal that regardless of all changes, value for money and core products continue to play a disquisitional function in customers’ overall satisfaction with banking products or services (4). Customer retention occurs when a customer keeps on buying the same market offering over a long period of time. For products with brusque purchase cycles, they define customer retention as occurring when ‘the customer continues to purchase the product or service over a specified fourth dimension period’. For products with long purchase cycles, they define client retention as taking place when the customerindicates the intention to purchase the product or service at the side by side buy occasion (5).
Customer retention rate is the percentage of customers at the beginning of the catamenia who withal remain customers at the finish of the flow (6). Payne also suggest that other more circuitous definitions might be more appropriate in instances where customers brand apply of more than one business at the same time.

Service organizations need to understand why their customers remain with them and should not assume that when customers remain it is a positive, mindful choice on their office. Customers may stay with a service organization due to any number of (sometimes intangible) ties with it. Some of these are positive, and increase the dedication of customers as with, for example, increased satisfaction. Other links are negative, yet nevertheless tie the customer to the service organization: a sales representative, for example, is obliged to stay at a particular hotel every time the customer travels in the expanse because of an understanding between his or her visitor and the hotel. Retained customers represent an opportunity to increase profitability as well equally loyalty.


Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship direction refers to an interactive procedure for achieving the optimum balance between corporate investments and the satisfaction of customer needs to generate the maximum turn a profit (seven). CRM involves; measuring both inputs across all functions including marketing, sales and service costs and outputs in terms of customer revenue, profit and value; acquiring and continuously updating knowledge about customer needs, motivation and behaviour over the lifetime of the human relationship; applying client cognition to continuously improve performance through a process of learning from successes and failures; integrating the activities of marketing, sales and service to achieve a mutual goal; the implementation of appropriate systems to support client knowledge conquering, sharing and the measurement of CRM effectiveness; constantly flexing the balance between marketing, sales and service inputs against changing customer needs to maximize profits (vii).

Organizational Structure

Successful CRM involves definition of processes, adjustability of employees to new strategy and back up of top management, with adequate organizational structure. Successful implementation of CRM concept needs support of top management. Success of depository financial institution in today`s competitive environment, depends on ability of top management to adjust business concern environment where employees manage business processes and implement business relationships with customers. Banks often seek for employees who accept advisable leadership (8). Top management should be actively involved in changes in organization in order to spread positive vision of CRM concept and to support organizational modify. An important factor of success in CRM concepts are employees and their commitment to system. Employees should take appropriate cognition and techniques which support Client Human relationship Direction(8).

Advice Channels

It is noticed that banks have remarkable investments in it. At the time when expansion takes place in cyberbanking business, as customers are interested in using new products and services, banks create new services that allow independent use of product with aid of mod information solutions. The focus of bank’southward operations is on customers, as each customer represents a split market segment. Communication between banks and their customers is congenital ina course of two-way dialogue; hence business concern success is measured by participation of customers in communication. Banks are developing direct banking channels, which allow customers easier and faster banking operations (9).

Modern banking is done through ATMs, Internet and mobile devices. The use of mod information applied science in everyday business, influences on improvement of quality of services; reduces operating costs; decrease cost of investment; creates new products and services; and improves of managerial competence within the depository financial institution (9). Continuous evolution of modernistic telecommunication media is one of biggest challenges for banking sector. The bank can communicate with each individual customer by: Branches, ATMs (“Automated Teller Machine”), POS (“Point of Sale”), Abode Cyberbanking, WEB Goggle box-banking, SMS Banking, Net Banking, Mobile Banking and Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). Banks should apply new advice channels in order to position their products and services. Integration internal procedure with communication channels contributes to continuous improvement of relationship between banks and customers. The first step in process of integration is identification and cess of benefits of introducing new communication aqueduct; the bank should select those channels that correspond to particular customer segments or private customers (9). For example, customers who are in age group of 18 to 45 years prefer communication via Net, and customers, who are retired, desire to contact bank through a Call Center or Branch. When positioning channel communication system with customers, bank should answer on following questions: What customers want from a communication aqueduct? How many customers are willing to pay to get a certain level of service? How effective customers desired services tin be provided? What are costs of culling communication channels for the bank and for the customer?

Depending on response, bank may establish a advice aqueduct that best suits customer. Today, banks tin choose between three advice channel strategies (x):

Co-operative strategy; Co-operative strategy every bit a communication channel strategy was very popular thirty years agone. Branch was first indicate of direct communication with customers.

Internet strategy; Strategy based on Internet involves communication with customers through modern technology, through which customers perform banking transactions independently, with significantly reduced costs.

Distribution Aqueduct strategy; this strategy is the most common practice today, because it allows combination of Branch strategy and Internet strategy. Clients are able to perform most business concern with depository financial institution through modern communication technologies, while for specific jobs, bank staff is available. This strategy allows activities at the lower cost, easier support to customers and increase of sales and profit (9).

CRM Engineering

CRM technology provides better insight into profitability of the client simply, also recognizes customers’ habits and needs. CRM technology allows bank to have information about specifics needs of customers, realize personalized approach to each customer, identify the nigh assisting customers, access client`s risk profile. CRM technologies are software solutions or CRM tools that back up Client Human relationship Management; technology allows gathering necessary data from different sources in order to have a unique picture of each client in real time (9).

By using CRM tools, employees tin quickly make decisions and communicate them to customers in short term. To keep this process successful, banking company should use CRM technology that combines 2 technological components: Data Warehouse, as collection point of data and CRM technology, which enables decision-makers to create marketing campaigns in club to communicate with customers. CRM technology allows employees to accept necessary information before they make contact with client. All the same, CRM technology is considered equally expensive and complex innovation. It requires integrated information systems, costly infrastructure and advanced technological skills. The price paid by bank for purchase of CRM technology depends on volume of business organisation (unremarkably number of customers) and existing infrastructure. If bank is technologically mature; employees have a significant level of technological knowledge; CRM engineering brand reward compared to other banks, and so benefit of adopting CRM concept must be college (ix).

Client Retention

Customer retention consist of steps taken past a selling organisation in social club to reduce customer defection and successful client retention starts with the first contact an arrangement has with a customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of a relationship (xi). Likewise customer retentivity is important to near companies considering the cost of acquiring a new client is far greater than the cost of maintaining a relationship with a current customer (12).

Also, in a study of application of porter’south 5 forces framework in the banking manufacture of Tanzania, investigated porters five forces to 22 fully Fledged banks, 5 Regional Unit of measurement Banks, five Financial Institutions and 102 Bureau de Change and concluded that there is high bargaining power of customers and besides barriers to entry are gentle there by allowing more entrants to get in to the manufacture. Since customers have a loftier bargaining power and entrance is gentle, it is of vital importance for the banks to make sure that they have a customer retention strategy in place (13). This study therefore hypothesized that;

Hı: Organizational structure positively and significantly impact on client retention.

The researchers are also of the view that organisational structure does not on its own atomic number 82 to client retention, merely tin can be affected by communication channels. In this regard, the study hypothesized that;

H2: Communication channels positively and negatively bear on on customer retention.

Communication in the Banking Sector

Advice between customers and banks is built in a course of two-style dialogue; hence business concern success is measured by participation of customers in communication. Banks are developing directly banking channels, which allow customers faster andeasier banking operations (nine).

Organisational Structureand Client Retention

Success of bank in today`s competitive environment, depends on power of summit management to accommodate business environs where employees manage business processes and implement business organization relationships with customers. Banks often seek for employees who accept appropriate leadership (viii). Top management should be actively involved in changes in organization in order to spread positive vision of CRM concept and to support organizational change.

Customers on several occasions complain on result of quality, implying that banks have non been able to meet what they promise (14). This has led to an increasing tendency in customer switching between banking concern branches and ane banking company to some other, which signals that the particular branches and banks have failed to meet client expectations (xiv). These study points to the fact that technology availability affects customer memory. Hence, the study has hypothesized that:

H3: Technology Availability affects Customer Retention.



This study is an applied enquiry in terms of its objectives, it is quantitative in terms of information collection and analysis, and it is explanatory research design to establish causal relationships amongst customer human relationship management, organisational structure, advice channels, technology availability and client retention. The statistical community of this written report consists of customers of both public and individual banks in the Ashanti Region of Republic of ghana. Samples of 278 were selected from the Santasi area inside the region. (15) has stated that, equally pocket-sized as of 30 samples is enough for successful statistical study if the characteristics of the respondents are homogenous in nature hence a sample of 278 is more than than enough to be a representative of customers of various fiscal institutions. Convenient and purposive sampling techniques were adopted in selecting respondent. The study used questionnaires in collecting primary data from respondents. The questionnaires were closed ended on a vii-point Likert calibration ranging from strongly disagree [1] to strongly agree [5] to the statements on the questionnaires. The researchers employed 2 boosted field personnel who were trained to help in information collection after the pilot testing was washed.The study made use of IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version xx in conducting the analysis.

Measurement of Constructs

Variability and Reliability Assessment

The clarity of the musical instrument items to the respondents was established so equally to enhance the instrument’s validity and reliability. Validity is the caste past which the sample of test items represents the content the test is designed to measure (sixteen). To establish the validity of the inquiry instrument the inquiry sought opinions of experts in the subject peculiarly the researcher’due south supervisor. Reliability refers to the consistency of measurement and is frequently assessed using the testâ€"retest reliability method (17). Reliability was tested using Cronbach Blastoff test with a threshold of 0.vii. This facilitated the necessary revision and modification of the research instrument.

Reliability of Data Using Cronbach Blastoff

The study reliability is based on the various scales and the variables used were assessed using Cronbach alpha coefficient. In conducting the written report, a wide range of scales were included, hence, checking the how well these scales produce results that are good enough for analysis is very paramount. The motive for assessing the reliability is to be sure of how consistent the items used to define the variables are. In checking the reliability the scales, the Cronbach alpha was used. However, researchers postulate that, for calibration reliability, Cronbach alpha value should be 0.7 and more (18). Cronbach alpha coefficient should exist higher up 0.7. Cronbach alpha values above 0.7 are adequate and values that are to a higher place 0.eight are preferable (19). In checking the reliability for the scales used in the study, the results showed Cronbach values of 0.760, 0.727, 0.835, 0.778, 0.755, 0.847 and 0.878 for organisational structure, communication channel, and technology availability, resisting client complaints, perceived functioning, expectation and customer retentiveness respectively. Cronbach alpha coefficient for the variables present that the scales used were reliable and items contains in them appropriately measures the underlying variables. The tabular array below presents the reliability results of the scales.

Pearson Correlation Assay

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Key: RESST.CUST.COMPLNT= Resisting Client Complaint; COM.CHNNEL= Communication Channel

ORGSTRT= Organizational construction; TECH.AVLBLTY= Engineering science Availability

Correlation Matrix The Pearson correlation was also run to exam the relationship that existed between the variables used in the study and to also help the study to assess if there is a multicolloneality among the variables used for the written report.

In quantitative research the concept of correlation is one of the techniques invariably used to assess whether at that place is a relationship betwixt 2 or more variables. Statisticians have adult and used statistical tools which enable them make statistical analysis almost the relationship variables. Thus, to check the extent to which a variable is business relationship for by some other variable. In order to check whether the strength of the human relationship between the variables will bear on farther statistical analysis; a multicolloneality test was performed using the correlation statistics. For the method to be robust, it is suggested that the correlation statistics should non exceed 0.7 (xx); (21). As shown in the tabular array in a higher place.

Analysis AND Discussion

The study was conducted on a total of 278 bank customers within Kumasi out of which 278 responses were received representing 100% response rate. The study made use of SPSS version xx every bit software for analysis.

Demographic Data

Males were the ascendant gender with 50.7% as compared to females with 49.3%.

The historic period of respondents was grouped into five, respondents who are between Nether 20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-fifty and 51 and above. Respondents between the ages of 21-thirty were dominant with 45.7% followed past respondents between the historic period of 31-40 with 35.3%; respondents between 41-50 with 10.four%, respondents of 51 years and above every bit well equally respondents under 20 equally had 4.three%; making up the categories with to the lowest degree percentage.

Respondents who do business with private banks are dominant 62.6% whilst respondents who practice business with public banks were least 37.4%. About of the respondents whose years of been customers between one-5 had fifty.7%; respondents between six-10 had 38.i%; respondents between 11-xv had 6.8%; respondents between 16-twenty had 4.0% whilst respondents in a higher place 21 had the least percentage with 0.4%. This indicates that most of the respondents accept been a customer of the bank for not more than five years.

The study grouped respondents occupation into three namely; salaried, businessman and student. From the study respondents whose occupations autumn within the Businessman category were dominant with 38.5%, followed by students 33.8% and salaried making the to the lowest degree with 27.vii%.

The qualification of respondents were also categorised into iii namely; graduates, masters and others. Thus graduates referring to those with kickoff degree, masters referring to those with a second degree and others refer to whatsoever other qualification. The study revealed that dominant qualification was the graduate category with 51.4% whilst the masters had xix.8% and others had 28.8%.

To Evaluate Effects of Client Relationship Direction on Client Retention in the Banking Sector

To evaluate effects of customer relationship management on client memory in the cyberbanking sector, the multiple regression assay was conducted to investigate clan betwixt the predictor variables and so the criterion variable. Customer retention was defined equally customers were satisfied with the services offered by their bank. The confidence level use was 95% with 5% margin of error. Thus, findings become statistically meaning at 0.05 and below. Table 5.1, v.2 and 5.3 show the model summary, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and the coefficient table from the regression output respectively.

Key: RESST.CUST.COMPLNT= Resisting Customer Complaint; COM.CHNNEL= Advice Channel

ORGSTRT= Organizational construction; TECH.AVLBLTY= Technology Availability

Key: RESST.CUST.COMPLNT= Resisting Customer Complaint; COM.CHNNEL= Communication Aqueduct

ORGSTRT= Organizational structure; TECH.AVLBLTY= Applied science Availability

Primal: RESST.CUST.COMPLNT= Resisting Client Complaint; COM.CHNNEL= Advice Channel

ORGSTRT= Organizational structure; TECH.AVLBLTY= Technology Availability

CUST.RETNTN= Customer Retention

Regression Equation

In assessing the relationship between customer relationship direction and customer memory, the multiple regression assay was conducted to check the nature and magnitude of the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable. The regressions equation was therefore y = a+ bıXı + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4. When the figures from the output are estimated, the equation becomes y = 0.351 + 0.125(Xı) - 0.053(X2) + 0.246(X3) + 0.593(X4)

From the regression output, the results show that in that location is a potent relationship between customer human relationship management and customer retention with a value of 0.733ª. The R foursquare value indicates that 53.7% (0.537) of the customers retained could exist accounted for by the effort bank staff put in customer relationship direction. From the ANOVA result, it shows that, the combined upshot of resisting customer complaints, communication channel, organisational structure and technology availability is statistically significant (F=79.122; p=000ª). An F-statistics of four shows that the model is fit and therefore a value of 79.122 indicate the model is fit.

Coefficient, Significance of the Model and Beta

The regression upshot shows that, the coefficient value for organisational construction 0.125 showing positive relationship with client retention. This means, all things beingness equal, when the other independent variables (resisting customer complaints, communication aqueduct and engineering science availability) are held constant, customer retentiveness will increment. Organisational construction is statistically not significant and is not making any contribution to the prediction of customer retention with t value of i.662 and significant at 0.098. The implication is that, the organisational structure of banks does not matter to bank customers and hence does not contribute to their retention.

Significance of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Retention

Customer retentiveness involves steps taken past a selling organization in club to reduce customer defection and successful customer retentivity starts with the start contact an arrangement has with a customer and continues throughout the unabridged lifetime of a human relationship (xi). Besides customer retention is of import to most companies because the price of acquiring a new customer is far greater than the cost of maintaining a relationship with a current customer (12).

Moreover, in a study of application of porter’due south five forces framework in the banking industry of Tanzania, investigated porters five forces to 22 fully Fledged banks, v Regional Unit Banks, 5 Financial Institutions and 102 Agency de Change and concluded that there is high bargaining power of customers and also barriers to entry are gentle thereby allowing more than entrants to make it to the manufacture. Since customers accept a high bargaining power and archway is gentle, it is imperative for the banks to make sure that they take a customer retention strategy in identify (13).


The study reveals that client satisfaction plays an important role in determining how various banks in the Kumasi metropolis are able to retain their customers. For organizations to continue staying in business, there is the need create a link or tie with the customers through the satisfaction of customers’ needs. For developing customer satisfaction, reliability in the provision of services and commitment to service relationships is a must if a company must attempt to increment customer’s hereafter expectations.

CRM as a strategy aims to satisfy and build long term relationship with clients/customers. Through CRM customers were much satisfied with their purchase and this strategy helps to generate sales by contributing expert service quality as expected by the customers.

The following recommendations are worth implementing based on the findings of the study

• Banks must make customer satisfaction their priority; customers are capable of increasing banks return on investment considering when customers are satisfied they are encouraged to continue to practise business with their financial organisation.

• Customer relationship management should also exist improved by diverse banks considering it is through CRM that customers are satisfied; satisfied customers are hands retained.

• Information technology must be the fundamental aim of firms to seek to manage and increase client satisfaction at least in this era of competitive global marketing.

• The continuity of the business organisation relations betwixt the customer and organisation depends on the human relationship between the 2 parties hence banks must build effective communication channels.

• Success of banking concern in today`s competitive environment, depends on ability of superlative management to adjust business concern environment where employees manage business processes and implement business organisation relationships with customers, hence banks must oft seek for employees who take appropriate leadership.

• To remain competitive, companies must heed and respond to their customers’ needs and expectations.

• Depository financial institution should select those channels that correspond to particular customer segments or individual customers.

• Selling arrangement need to reduce customer defection because successful customer retention starts with the kickoff contact an organisation has with a customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of a human relationship.

• In acquiring customers, information technology is essential for arrangement to cull the right customers to serve earlier decide how they can all-time acquire them. This is particularly important equally it is a fact that system will not exist able to serve all customers in every way.

• Customer satisfaction and client perceptions of service quality were important predictors of loyalty in retail cyberbanking services hence financial institutions must work on positioning themselves well in the minds of their customers.


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