
How Did George Washington Change The World

Cultural influence of the kickoff president of the U.Due south.

The image of George Washington appears in numerous forms, found on currency (shown here on the $1 bill), statues, monuments, postage stamp and in textbooks.

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) allowable the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), and was the first president of the United States, from 1789 to 1797. In terms of personality, leading Washington biographer Douglas Southall Freeman ended, "the great big matter stamped beyond that man is grapheme." Past character, says David Hackett Fischer, "Freeman meant integrity, self-discipline, courage, accented honesty, resolve, and conclusion, but likewise forbearance, decency, and respect for others."[1] Because of his central role in the founding of the United states of america, Washington is often called the "Father of his Country". His devotion to republicanism and civic virtue made him an exemplary figure amid American politicians. His image has get an icon and is commonplace in American civilisation.

Public opinion [edit]

Statue of Washington exterior the Federal Hall Memorial in lower Manhattan, site of Washington'south first inauguration equally President

Congressman Henry "Light Equus caballus Harry" Lee, a Revolutionary War comrade and father of the American Ceremonious War full general Robert E. Lee, famously eulogized Washington equally:

Starting time in war, get-go in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none in apprehensive and enduring scenes of private life. Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere; compatible, dignified, and commanding; his example was equally edifying to all around him equally were the furnishings of that example lasting. ... Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence and virtue always felt his fostering manus. The purity of his individual grapheme gave effulgence to his public virtues. ... Such was the man for whom our nation mourns.

Lee's words set the standard by which Washington'southward overwhelming reputation was impressed upon the American retentivity. Washington ready many precedents for the national regime and the presidency in particular. In 1951 the unwritten 2-term limit prepare by Washington would become the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. He besides set constitutional precedent past beingness the first president to use the Presidential Veto.[ii]

Every bit early every bit 1778 he was lauded equally the "Father of His Country"[three] and is often considered to be the nigh important of Founding Fathers of the The states. He has gained fame around the globe as a quintessential case of a benevolent national founder. As Gordon Wood concludes, the greatest deed in his life was his resignation as commander of the armies—an act that stunned aristocratic Europe.[four] According to painter Benjamin West (as recorded in the diaries of his colleague Joseph Farington):

West told me that [in 1781]....The King began to talk about America. He asked W what would Washington do were America to be declared contained. West said he believed [Washington] would retire to a individual situation.—The Rex said if he did he would be the greatest human in the world.[5]

Washington was long considered non just a military machine and revolutionary hero, but a man of bully personal integrity, with a securely held sense of duty, honor and patriotism. He was upheld as a shining example in schoolbooks and lessons: as courageous and farsighted, holding the Continental Army together through viii hard years of war and numerous privations, sometimes by sheer forcefulness of will; and as restrained: at state of war's end taking affront at the notion he should be King; and after 2 terms equally president, stepping bated.

In 1790, Washington's close friend Benjamin Franklin died. In Franklin's will, he bequeathed Washington his walking cane, which Franklin received while serving every bit ambassador to France during the 1780s. Franklin spoke highly of Washington, even as a rex, in his volition:

My fine crab-tree walking stick, with a gilded head curiously wrought in the form of the cap of liberty, I requite to my friend, and the friend of mankind, General Washington. If it were a Sceptre, he has merited it, and would get it.[six]

Washington was e'er the exemplar of republican virtue in America. He is seen more equally a character model than war hero or founding father. Ane of Washington's greatest achievements, in terms of republican values, was refraining from taking more power than was due. He was conscientious of maintaining a good reputation by fugitive political intrigue. He had no involvement in nepotism or cronyism, rejecting, for case, a military promotion during the war for his deserving cousin William Washington lest it be regarded every bit favoritism. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The moderation and virtue of a unmarried character probably prevented this Revolution from being closed, as about others have been, by a subversion of that freedom information technology was intended to establish."[7]

Father of America [edit]

According to Mount Vernon's Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington:

As the Father of America, Washington was heralded every bit the political savior of the nation for delivering America from the bondage of Great britain, akin to Moses delivering the children of State of israel from the bondage of Egypt. Verses from the final chapter of Deuteronomy that described the expiry of Moses were often used in New England eulogies to illuminate the significance of Washington's passing....The Apotheosis of Washington, the famous fresco on the dome of the U.Southward. Capitol, depicts Washington surrounded by thirteen maidens, one for each colony, as he ascends to heaven and becomes a god.[eight]

Though he had been the highest-ranking officeholder of the Revolutionary State of war, having in 1798 been appointed a Lieutenant General (now three stars), it seemed incongruous that all later full four star and higher generals outranked Washington. This issue was resolved in the bicentennial year of 1976 when Washington was, by act of Congress, posthumously promoted to the rank of General of the Armies, this promotion being backdated to July 4, 1976,[9] making Washington permanently the senior military officer of the United States.

First American President [edit]

Washington was the first American president under the United states Constitution,[a] and was unanimously elected by the Electoral College in 1789 and once again in 1792;[11] he remains the only president to receive the totality of electoral votes. The system in place at the time dictated that each elector cast two votes, with the winner condign president, and the runner-upward vice president. All electors in the elections of 1789 and 1792 cast one of their votes for Washington; thus it may be said that he was elected president unanimously, which has become his legacy alone.

Slavery [edit]

This 19th-century engraving is a delineation of Washington supervising his slaves at Mount Vernon.

Washington believed that the institution of slavery on its own would eventually die out and exist replaced by an industrial revolution that was first to emerge in the Northern states.[12]

Prior to the American Revolution, Washington never displayed whatever antagonism towards slavery. His views on slavery were modified during the Revolution, between 1775 and 1784, having been influenced by the egalitarian conventionalities that men were born with natural rights. Washington also discovered during the Revolution that gratis blacks who served in the Revolutionary Regular army could match the manufacture, dedication, and courage exhibited by white soldiers.[thirteen] In 1794, while President, to resolve his dilemma over slavery, Washington attempted to lease property at Mountain Vernon to farmers on the condition that former slaves would piece of work as paid free laborers. This idea had been suggested to Washington by his close friend, Marquis de Lafayette, an abolitionist, in 1784. However, the plan proved to exist improbable and no buyers could exist constitute to buy the land. Although Washington himself could have freed his own slaves and paid them as workers, he never did. According to historians, his expiry in 1799 under his new will in essence condemned Mt. Vernon to ruin and was in consequence an act of amende for Washington's lifetime involvement in human exploitation. Martha voluntarily freed Washington's slaves in 1800, sixteen months prior to her own death.[xiii]

Presidential precedents [edit]

As the first President of the United states of america, George Washington developed lasting traditions that helped shape the function of the executive co-operative.[14] Washington knew he needed to establish an effective executive role, but also understood the importance of the sovereignty of the individual and limited government. It was highly of import to himself and the nation that the executive bear no resemblance to a monarchy. The Constitution was created for such purpose and divided the power of government into the three distinct branches. Commodity Two of the U.s. Constitution outlines the powers of the executive branch, simply is written with ambiguity. Therefore, Washington had to forge the institution necessary to deport out the president's constitutional powers. In doing so, precedents emerged that are notable to this solar day.[ citation needed ]

George Washington impacted the office of the presidency from his inauguration to his retirement. From the beginning, Washington did not want to resemble a king or exist referred to equally one. He preferred the title "Mr. President," which is how presidents are still addressed to this mean solar day.[fifteen] Washington too shaped the inauguration process. As Washington was sworn in during his oath of office, he placed his correct paw upon the Bible.[fifteen] This is non required, but for the bulk of presidents became tradition.[ citation needed ]

On January 8, 1790, Washington gave his First Inaugural Accost to a joint session of congress. Now known as the State of the Wedlock Address, it established a platform to implement commodity 2 section iii of the Constitution which states the president, "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient".[16] Presidents ever since have given Land of the Union Addresses to Congress once a year.[ citation needed ]

The president'southward Chiffonier and the selection of cabinet members is besides not explicitly stated in the Constitution.[17] Washington understood the importance of receiving counsel and thus established the practise of appointing secretaries of the Executive Departments. Commodity II Section ii of the Constitution gives him the ability to practice and then and states the President, "with the communication and consent of the senate... shall appoint... all other officers of the United States.[17]"

By serving for just 8 years, Washington showed that it is acceptable and honorable for a president to step down after 2 terms in office. This was common do by all presidents thereafter with the exception of Franklin D. Roosevelt who was elected to four terms of office. The twenty second amendment of the United States Constitution ratified in 1951, set the term limit to two terms maximum for all hereafter presidents, thus transforming the tradition into law.[fifteen] George Washington stepped down from the presidency and assured a smooth transition betwixt his administration and the incoming administration of John Adams. He refused to run for another term and proved that the president can willingly step down from his position and trust the democratic voting process to select the next president.[ citation needed ]

George Washington by Charles Willson Peale, c. 1776

Memorials [edit]

Washington's face and paradigm are oftentimes used every bit national symbols of the Usa, forth with the icons such as the flag and smashing seal. Mayhap the well-nigh pervasive commemoration of his legacy is the use of his image on the one-dollar pecker and the quarter-dollar coin. Washington, together with Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, is depicted in stone at the Mountain Rushmore Memorial.

Starting with victory in their Revolution, in that location were many proposals to build a monument to Washington. After his expiry, Congress authorized a suitable memorial in the national capital, but the determination was reversed when the Democratic-Republicans took control of Congress in 1801. The Autonomous-Republicans were dismayed that Washington had go the symbol of the Federalist Party; furthermore, the values of Republicanism seemed hostile to the thought of building monuments to powerful men.[18] Further political squabbling, along with the n–s partitioning on the Civil War, blocked the completion of the Washington Monument until the tardily 19th century. By that time, Washington had the prototype of a national hero who could exist celebrated past both North and South, and memorials to him were no longer controversial.[19] Predating the obelisk on the National Mall by several decades, the start public memorial to Washington was built by the citizens of Boonsboro, Maryland, in 1827.[twenty]

Structure on the George Washington portrait at Mount Rushmore, c. 1932

Many things have been named in honor of Washington. George Washington is the namesake of the nation'southward upper-case letter, Washington, D.C., and the state of Washington, the only state to be named for a president. The Washington Monument, one of the most well-known American landmarks, was built in his honour. A diversity of colleges and universities, throughout the Us, are named for George Washington. The United States Navy has named 3 ships after Washington. The George Washington Bridge, which extends between New York City and New Jersey, and the palm tree genus Washingtonia, are also named after him. A statuary statue of Washington stands in London at the National Gallery, a gift from the Commonwealth of Virginia.[21]

There are many other "Washington Monuments" in the United States, including ii well-known equestrian statues, one in Manhattan and one in Richmond, Virginia. The first statue to show Washington on horseback was dedicated in 1856 and is located in Manhattan'southward Union Foursquare.[22] The second statue is known as either the Virginia Washington Monument or as the George Washington Equestrian Statue[23] and was unveiled in 1858.[23] [24] It was the 2nd American statue of Washington on horseback[24] but figures prominently in the official seal of the Confederate States of America.[23] [25]

A marble statue of Washington was made from life past sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon, and now sits in the Rotunda of the State Capitol in Richmond, Virginia. A indistinguishable, 1 of 22 bronze verbal replicas,[26] was given to the British in 1921 by the Democracy of Virginia and at present stands in front of the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square.[27]

Washington Square Curvation (1892) in Washington Square Park, NYC, is mayhap the nation's most prominent monument celebrating the centennial of Washington'due south inauguration.

In 1917 the 886 Washingtonia asteroid was named in his laurels.

Washington Monument 1885 [edit]

The Federal City (Washington D.C.), during Washington'southward lifetime, was originally designed for the place of Washington'south memorial. Architect Pierre L'Enfant had specifically set apart land space for a monument to Washington, southwest of the Majuscule and the White House. The urban center was completed in 1800 and incorporated officially taking on Washington'southward name. Subsequently Washington's decease in December 1799, Congress made no appropriations for Washington's marble monument, although it had pledged to do so. For three decades, funding however had non been granted by Congress for Washington'southward memorial. This created a public outcry and upset many who believed it was time to honor the first President of the United States, and in 1833 the individual Washington National Monument Society was formed. The Lodge solicited funding from private donors and set out to build the monument, without Congressional funding. In 1845, the Order chose Robert Mills's design, an expensive, lavish Egyptian obelisk, 600 feet tall, that would comprise thirty 100-human foot base of operations columns.[28]

Work began on the monument on July 4, 1848. An 80-square-foot pyramid underground foundation was built followed by a 55-anxiety ane.five-inch marble base. By 1854, the belfry had reached 156 feet to a higher place the ground, however, due to lack of funding, farther construction was stopped. Throughout the American Ceremonious War, the memorial stood incomplete, while Congress for another decade refused to take over the project. It was non until July 5, 1876, under the Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, that Congress finally passed a police force to accept over the funding and building of Washington's memorial. On Dec 6, 1884, a 3,300-pound capstone was placed on top of the tower, and Washington's memorial was finally complete. Although design changes took identify, the finished memorial stood at 555 feet alpine, x times the width of the base, making it the tallest tower in the globe. The thirty ornate 100-human foot base columns were scrapped for aesthetic and cost reasons. The monument was officially defended on February 21, 1885.[28]

On Baronial 23, 2011, a five.eight magnitude earthquake struck 95 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. On the memorial'due south observation deck, visitors were tossed effectually from the shaking, while falling mortar and stone debris caused minor injuries. No one was seriously hurt and all safely exited from inside the monument. Yet, the memorial and park were closed to the public due to the earthquake. Xxx-2 months later, on March 12, 2014, the memorial was open to visitors again after repair piece of work allowed visitors to ascend to the observation deck. Elevator issues left visitors and employees stranded, having to walk downwards the stairs, and the park was airtight to the public indefinitely on August 17, 2016. The monument was scheduled to open up again to the public during the Jump of 2019.[29] Reopening was and so delayed until at least Baronial 2019 for mitigation of possibly contaminated undercover soil idea to accept been introduced in the 1880s.[xxx]

Mountain Rushmore 1941 [edit]

Mount Rushmore
Washington front-correct

In 1923, historian Doane Robinson had developed an idea to make a gigantic sculpture on the Black Hills of South Dakota. In August 1924, Robinson contacted by alphabetic character and requested renowned sculptor Gutzon Borglum to visit South Dakota and talk to him virtually creating a mountain sculpture.[31] [32] Robinson had been impressed past Borglum'southward Confederate memorial on Stone Mountain. Borglum agreed to work on the project and met with Robinson twice in September 1924 and in Baronial 1925. On his second visit Borglum searched for a location suitable for a gigantic sculpture and establish Mountain Rushmore, equanimous of granite, named after a New York attorney Charles East. Rushmore.[31] [32] Iv prominent presidents were called for the sculptor to bring national recognition, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Washington was called to represent a "lite for liberty and the birth of the Republic." Washington was believed to upheld rights for the common denizen.[31]

The project began on August 10, 1927, and implemented innovative blasting and drilling techniques on a big scale. Lack of funding, nonetheless, extended the memorial's creation to 14 years, merely in existent time, it took 6+ 12 years of difficult and dangerous work to complete the gigantic sculpture. It took 400 men to build the memorial, remarkably, no one was killed in the procedure. The surface of the stone sculpture was finished to the smooth surface of a concrete sidewalk. The projection cost $989,992.32 and was finished in October 1941. $836,000 in federal funding was used while individual donations made up the difference. As the first United States President, under the Constitution, Washington's portrait was the get-go to be sculpted on a g scale. Honored among presidents, he was chosen to be displayed in front end of the other 3 chosen presidents. Washington was believed to have stood for the cause of liberty during the American Revolution. Washington was held in high esteem, and believed to have stood for holding part with "dignity, prudence, and respect," and was an case for other Presidents to follow. [31]

Robinson was considered the "Father of Mount Rushmore." John Boland raised and kept track of funding for Mount Rushmore. Boland was introduced to the Mount Rushmore project in 1925 through Robinson. During lean times Boland kept the Mount Rushmore projection from stalling and worked with unpaid creditors. Congressman William Williamson (South Dakota) was the driving force behind the federal funding for the Mount Rushmore project. Williams convinced President Calvin Coolidge to travel to the Black Hills in 1927. U.S. Senator Peter Norbeck (South Dakota) kept the Mountain Rushmore project going in times when federal funding was thin. [32]

Places [edit]

Many places and entities have been named in honor of Washington. Washington's proper noun became that of the nation'south capital, Washington, D.C., one of ii national capitals across the globe to be named after an American president (the other is Monrovia, Liberia). The country of Washington is the only land to be named afterward a U.s. president.[33] George Washington University and Washington Academy in St. Louis were named for him, as was Washington and Lee Academy (once Washington University), which was renamed due to Washington'southward large endowment in 1796. Washington Higher in Chestertown, Maryland (established by Maryland country charter in 1782) was supported by Washington during his lifetime with a fifty guineas pledge,[34] and with service on the college's Board of Visitors and Governors until 1789 (when Washington was elected president).[35] According to the U.s. Demography Bureau'southward 1993 geographic data, Washington is the 17th near common street name in the United States,[36] and the simply person's name so honored among the twenty almost-common street names.[b]

Centennial commemoration [edit]

President Harrison rowed aground at Wall Street, April 29, 1889

Washington Inaugural Celebration, 1889, New York. Parade passing Union Foursquare on Broadway.

The centennial anniversary of Washington's inauguration as president cruel on Apr xxx, 1889. In observance of the occasion President Benjamin Harrison followed the itinerary of one hundred years before, from the Governor's mansion in New Bailiwick of jersey to the pes of Wall Street, in New York Urban center, to one-time Saint Paul's Church, on Broadway, and to the site where the kickoff Chief Magistrate first took the oath of office. Three days were a round of naval, military, and industrial parades, with music, oratory, pageantry, and festivities. For this Centennial Whittier composed an ode. The venerable S. F. Smith, who had written "America" 50-seven years before, was also inspired by the occasion to pen a Century Hymn, and to add to "America" the stanza:[37]

Our joyful hearts today,
Their grateful tribute pay,
Happy and free,
After our toils and fears,
Subsequently our claret and tears,
Potent with our hundred years,
O God, to Thee.

International [edit]

Great U.k. [edit]

Although Washington was the leader of the war against Keen Britain, British public and elite opinion was highly favorable toward him during and after the war. The British press almost ever portrayed him in a favorable light, while at the same fourth dimension denouncing the Continental Congress and New England radicals. British newspapers routinely praised Washington'south personal character and qualities every bit a war machine commander. Speakers in Parliament typically praised his courage, endurance, and considerateness to the welfare of his troops. They often make the signal that he was more exemplary than their ain British generals. Washington's refusal to become involved in politics was highlighted as a leader fully committed to the military mission at manus and to a higher place the factional fray.[38]

French republic [edit]

Before the French Revolution in 1789, Washington's prestige, thanks mostly to Lafayette, was very high. He figured prominently in poetry, plays, and histories. Writers exaggerated and even invented some characteristics, casting him as a modern Cincinnatus who exemplified masculinity, virtue, and patriotism.[39] He was viewed with some hostility by French leaders after 1793 but was popular over again after Bonaparte'south coup d'Ă©tat. Forgotten after 1815, his popularity was revived during World War I.[40] [41]

Netherlands [edit]

Dutch leaders in the tardily 18th century helped fund the new nation and saw its victory over United kingdom in terms of their ain successful battle to suspension away from the Spanish Empire in the sixteenth century. They compared George Washington to their ain celebrated hero William the Silent.[42]

Latin America [edit]

Manuel Belgrano, one of Argentina's independence leaders, in 1813 translated Washington's 'Farewell Address' into Spanish. Belgrano's introduction admired the political ethics it independent and his desire to diffuse these ideals among his countrymen.[43]

Currency and postage stamp [edit]

The paradigm of Washington has always been commonplace on U.Due south. currency and postage stamps.

Currency [edit]

Postage stamps [edit]

Benjamin Franklin and George Washington: The First U.Southward. Postage Stamps, Issued 1847: The first stamp issues were authorized by an act of Congress and approved on March three, 1847.[44]

Washington, along with Benjamin Franklin, appeared on the nation'southward first postage stamp stamps in 1847. Since that time Washington has appeared on many postage problems, more than all other presidents combined.[45]

Washington's victory over Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown was commemorated with a two-cent stamp on the battle's 150th anniversary on Oct xix, 1931.[46] The 150th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution with George Washington as presiding officer was historic with a three-cent issue on September 17, 1937, was adapted from the painting by Julius Brutus Stearns.[47] Washington'southward presidential inauguration at Federal Hall in New York City was celebrated on its 150th anniversary on April thirty, 1939.[48]

Video games [edit]

George Washington is featured in mod video games every bit a prominent fictionalized character from world history in Historic period of Empires Three, Civilization V and Assassin'due south Creed Three (as himself in game and a counter-history Male monarch in DLC). These games are discussed in Winnerling and Kershbaumer's Early Modernity and Video Games explaining that the player manipulating the games' semiotic system of communications thereby "gives insights in his historical consciousness."[49]

Run across as well [edit]

  • Bibliography of George Washington
  • Commemoration of the American Revolution
  • List of George Washington manufactures

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Nether the Manufactures of Confederation and Perpetual Union, the previous constitution, the Congress of the Confederation called its presiding officer the "President of the United States in Congress Assembled". The position had no executive powers, just the similarity of titles has confused some into thinking in that location were other presidents earlier Washington.[10]
  2. ^ The rest of the Summit xx street names are all descriptive (Colina, View and so on), arboreal (Pino, Maple, etc.) or numeric (2d, Third, etc.).

References [edit]

  1. ^ David Hackett Fischer (2006). Washington's Crossing. Oxford Upwards. p. 446. ISBN9780199756674.
  2. ^ George Washington Biography. Retrieved on October xx, 2008.
  3. ^ The earliest known prototype in which Washington is identified as such is on the comprehend of the circa 1778 Pennsylvania German language annual (Lancaster: Gedruckt bey Francis Bailey). This identifies Washington as "Landes Vater" or Father of the Land.
  4. ^ Gordon Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (1992), pp 105–06; Edmund Morgan, The Genius of George Washington (1980), pp 12–xiii; Sarah J. Purcell, Sealed With Blood: War, Sacrifice, and Retentiveness in Revolutionary America (2002) p. 97; Don Higginbotham, George Washington (2004); Ellis, 2004
  5. ^ Farington, Joseph (1922). Greig, James (ed.). The Farington Diary, vol. i. London: Hutchinson. p. 278. , entry for Dec 28, 1799.
  6. ^ Smithsonian Institution entry on Franklin's cane
  7. ^ "Jefferson to Washington Apr 16, 1784". Archived from the original on September xiii, 2006. Retrieved September 3, 2006.
  8. ^ Encounter "George Washington in Pop Culture" Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington (2020)
  9. ^ Promotion order of George Washington, Armed services Personnel Records Center (Image:Orders 31-3.jpg and Image:Orders 31-3 Embrace Letter.jpg).
  10. ^ Jensen (1948, pp. 178–179) harvtxt error: no target: CITEREFJensen1948 (help)
  11. ^ Unger (2013, pp. 61, 146) harvtxt error: no target: CITEREFUnger2013 (assist)
  12. ^ Henry Wiencek, An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America (2003).
  13. ^ a b Ferling (2000), Setting the World Ablaze, pages 274–277
  14. ^ Administrator. "George Washington and Executive Power". Center for Borough Education. The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. Retrieved October 27, 2018.
  15. ^ a b c "Presidential Precedents". George Washington's Mount Vernon. The Mount Vernon Ladies' Clan. Retrieved October 27, 2018.
  16. ^ Mount, Steve (January 24, 2010). "U.Due south. Constitution - Article 2 Section 3 - The U.S. Constitution Online -". Retrieved October 27, 2018.
  17. ^ a b Kelly, Martin (September 19, 2017). "George Washington's First Cabinet". ThoughtCo . Retrieved October 27, 2018.
  18. ^ Cohen, Sheldon S. (April 1991). "Monuments to Greatness: George Dance, Charles Polhill, and Benjamin West's Design for a Memorial to George Washington". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. 99 (2): 187–203. JSTOR 4249215.
  19. ^ Vicious, Kirk (2009). Monument Wars: Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the Transformation of the Memorial Landscape. Berkeley,Calif: Univ.of California Press. pp. 32–45. ISBN978-0-520-25654-5.
  20. ^ "Washington Monument State Park". Annapolis, Medico: Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Archived from the original on November 17, 2012. Retrieved December 11, 2010.
  21. ^ Zemler, Emily (December 27, 2019). "The Complete Guide to London's Tower Bridge". TripSavvy . Retrieved January four, 2022.
  22. ^ "July 4th Marks 150th Anniversary of the Dedication Of Wedlock Square'due south George Washington Monument". City of New York Parks & Recreation. 2006. Retrieved July 7, 2012.
  23. ^ a b c "The George Washington Equestrian Monument". The Virginia State Capitol History Projection. Archived from the original on July 19, 2012. Retrieved July vii, 2012.
  24. ^ a b "Virginia Washington Monument". National Park Service. Retrieved July 7, 2012.
  25. ^ "The Not bad Seal of the Confederacy". Home of the American Civil War. June ane, 2002. Retrieved January 18, 2011.
  26. ^ "The addition of the statue of President George Washington to the National Bronze Hall Collection". Office of the Clerk, US Business firm of Representatives. Archived from the original on September 15, 2012. Retrieved July 14, 2012.
  27. ^ "Houdon Statue of George Washington". The GW and Foggy Bottom Encyclopedia. December 21, 2006. Archived from the original on June 13, 2010. Retrieved Baronial 24, 2010.
  28. ^ a b Washington Monument History & Civilization 2018.
  29. ^ Corneliussen 2014; Kurzius 2017; 2011 Earthquake.
  30. ^ Ruane, Michael E. (April 15, 2019). "Washington Monument reopening delayed until at least Baronial". The Washington Mail . Retrieved July 15, 2019.
  31. ^ a b c d National Park Service Brochure 1965.
  32. ^ a b c People, Mount Rushmore, National Park Service.
  33. ^ "Map of Washington". Worldatlas. Retrieved January 3, 2011.
  34. ^ "George Washington's 50 Guinea Draft". Philadelphia: C.V. Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience. Dec 23, 1782. Archived from the original on June nine, 2010. Retrieved Dec 17, 2011.
  35. ^ "Board of Visitors and Governors". Chestertown, Maryland: Washington College. Archived from the original on August 19, 2011. Retrieved December 17, 2011.
  36. ^ "Virtually Common U.S. Street Names". Washington, D.C.: National League of Cities. 2010. Retrieved January 19, 2013.
  37. ^ Andrews, E. Benjamin (1912). History of the United states of america. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
  38. ^ Troy O. Bickham, "Sympathizing with Sedition? George Washington, the British Press, and British Attitudes during the American War of Independence." William and Mary Quarterly 59.ane (2002): 101–122. Online
  39. ^ Julia Osman, "Cincinnatus Reborn: The George Washington Myth and French Renewal during the Old Regime." French Historical Studies 38.3 (2015): 421–446.
  40. ^ .AndrĂ© Maurois, "Washington: Fondateur des Etats-Unis," Historia (1956), xx#117 pp 123–127.
  41. ^ Gilbert Chinard, ed., George Washington as the French Knew Him: A Collection of Texts (Princeton Upward, 1940). online
  42. ^ Lawrence Southward. Kaplan, "The founding fathers and the two confederations: The United States of America and the United Provinces of holland, 1783–1789." BMGN-Depression Countries Historical Review 97.three (1982): 423-–38 at p 436.
  43. ^ Francisco Cignoli, "Nelgrano y la 'Despedia de Washington'" [Belgrano and "Washington's Farewell Accost"] Investigaciones y Ensayos (1971), Issue x, pp 265–275.
  44. ^ "U.S. Postage Stamps". Publication 100 – The United states of america Postal Service – An American History 1775–2006. USPS. May 2007. Retrieved December 29, 2011.
  45. ^ Kloetzel, James E., ed. (2009). Scott 2010 Specialized Catalogue of U.s. Stamps & Covers. Sidney, Ohio: Scott Pub. Co. ISBN978-0-89487-446-8.
  46. ^ Trotter, Gordon T., Yorktown Event, National Postal Museum online.
  47. ^ Trotter, Gordon T., [3c Constitution Sesquicentennial plate block of four Constitution Sesquicentennial Effect], National Postal Museum online.
  48. ^ Haimann, Alexander T., Washington Inauguration Issue, National Postal Museum online.
  49. ^ Winnerling, Tobias and Kershbaumer, Florian. Early on Modernity and Video Games. ISBN 978-1-44-386234-ix, p. 70, 106, 148, 160.

Sources [edit]

  • Corneliussen, Erin (May 12, 2014). "The All-time View of Washington is At present Open to the Public". Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  • Kurzius, Rachel (September five, 2017). "Closed For More Than A Year, Washington Monument Isn't Expected To Reopen Until Spring 2019". dcist. Archived from the original on March 21, 2019. Retrieved March 20, 2013.
  • Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota (PDF). National Park Service. 1965.
  • "People". National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior. October 25, 2017. Retrieved June 8, 2019.
  • "2011 Earthquake". National Park Service Washington Memorial. Nov 25, 2018. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  • "Washington Monument History & Culture". Apr xvi, 2018.

Further reading [edit]

  • Brandt, Lydia Mattice. First in the Homes of His Countrymen: George Washington's Mountain Vernon in the American Imagination (U of Virginia Press, 2016). xii, 284 pp
  • Bruggerman, Seth C. (2011). Here, George Washington Was Born: Retention, Material Culture, and the Public History of a National Monument. Academy of Georgia Press. ISBN9780820342726.
  • Cavitch, Max. "The Man That Was Used Upwardly: Poesy, Particularity, and the Politics of Remembering George Washington American Literature 75#2 (2003) DOI: ten.1215/00029831-75-2-247 online
  • Chinard, Gilbert, ed. George Washington as the French Knew Him: A Collection of Texts (Princeton Upwardly, 1940). onlin e
  • Cohen, Sheldon S. "Monuments to Greatness: George Dance, Charles Polhill, and Benjamin West's Design for a Memorial to George Washington." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 99#2 (1991), pp. 187–203 online
  • Costello, Matthew Ryan. "'The Property of the Nation': Democracy and the Retention of George Washington, 1799-1865." (PhD dissertation, Marquette University, 2016). online
  • Cunliffe, Marcus. George Washington: Human being and Monument (1958).
  • Dalzell, Robert F. and Lee B. Dalzell. George Washington'south Mount Vernon: At Dwelling in Revolutionary America (Oxford Up, 1998).
  • Drozdowski, Marian Marek, Ludwik Krzyzanowski, And Gerard T. Kapolka. "George Washington In Smoothen Historiography And Historical Periodicals." The Polish Review (1989): 127–172. online
  • Ferling, Jon. The Ascension of George Washington: The Subconscious Political Genius of an American Icon (Bloomsbury Press, 2009).
  • Freeman, Douglas Southall. George Washington: A Biography (vii vols., 1948–1957).
  • Galke, Laura J. "Who's the flop? George'southward mom! haunting biographies of George Washington." International Journal of Heritage Studies 25.7 (2019): 689–707.
  • Greenhalgh, Adam. "Non a Man just a God: The Apotheosis of Gilbert Stuart's Athenaeum Portrait of George Washington." Winterthur Portfolio 41#iv (Winter 2007): 269–304.
  • Griffin, Stephen. "Changing views of George Washington" Journal of America'due south Military Past (April 2006) 32#1 pp 67–75, especially the role of the Enlightenment.
  • Grizzard, Frank E., Jr. (2002). George Washington: A Biographical Companion. ABC-CLIO. ISBN1-57607-082-4.
  • —— (2005). George!: A Guide to All Things Washington. Mariner Pub. ISBN0-9768238-0-2.
  • Hall, John West. "An Irregular Reconsideration of George Washington and the American Military Tradition." Journal of Armed forces History 78.three (2014) pp 961–993.
  • Hay, Robert. "George Washington: American Moses," American Quarterly 21#4 (1969): 780-791 online
  • Jacobs, Phoebe Lloyd. "John James Barralet and the Embodiment of George Washington." Winterthur Portfolio 12 (1977): 115–137.
  • Johnson, Gerald. Mount Vernon: The Story of a Shrine: An Business relationship of the Rescue and Continuing Restoration of George Washington's Home by The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. (2nd edition 1991)
  • Kahler, Gerald. The Long Farewell: Americans Mourn the Death of George Washington (University of Virginia Press, 2008).
  • Knox, Amanda. "Imagining George Washington: A Historiography of George Washington in Historical Retention." North Alabama Historical Review 5.1 (2015): vii+. online
  • Larson, Edward J. "Approaching the Rubicon and Crossing the Bar: Washington's Expiry and the Rise of Republican Rule." Georgia Review 62.three (2008): 551–563. online
  • Lengel, Edward G. Inventing George Washington: America'south founder, in myth and memory (Harper Collins, 2011). excerpt
  • Levy, Philip (2013). Where the Ruby Tree Grew: The Story of Ferry Farm, George Washington'south Boyhood Home. Macmillan & Co. ISBN978-ane-2500-2314-8.
  • Longmore, Paul Yard. The Invention of George Washington (Univ. of Virginia Press, 1999).
  • Madison, Ann (1932). History of the George Washington bicentennial celebration. Washington, D.C., U.s.a. George Washington Bicentennial Commission. (eBook)
  • Marling, Karal Ann. George Washington Slept Here: Colonial Revivals and American Civilisation, 1876–1986 (Harvard University Press, 1988).
  • Morgan, Kenneth. "George Washington and the Problem of Slavery." Periodical of American Studies 34#two (2000): 279–301. online
  • Morgan, Philip D. "'To Become Quit of Negroes': George Washington and Slavery." Periodical of American Studies 39#3 (2005): 403–429. online
  • Olszewski, George J. A History of the Washington Monument, 1844–1968, Washington, D.C. (National Park Service, 1971).
  • Osman, Julia. "Cincinnatus Reborn: The George Washington Myth and French Renewal during the Quondam Authorities." French Historical Studies 38.3 (2015): 421–446.
  • Wilstach, Paul (1918). Mount Vernon: Washington's Home and the Nation's Shrine. The Bobbs-Merrill Company.
  • Savage, Kirk. Monument Wars: Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the Transformation of the Memorial Landscape (2009).
  • Schwartz, Barry. "Social modify and collective retention: The democratization of George Washington." American Sociological Review (1991): 221–236. online
  • Schwartz, Barry. "George Washington and the Whig Conception of Heroic Leadership," American Sociological Review 48#1 (1983) : xviii–33.
  • Schwartz, Barry (1987). George Washington: The Making of an American Symbol. Free Press. ISBN9780029281413.
  • Sears, John F. Sacred Places: American Tourist Attractions in the Nineteenth Century. (Oxford Up, 1989).
  • Thane, Elswyth. Mount Vernon is Ours: The Story of the Preservation and Restoration of Washington'south Home (Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1966).
  • Ward, David C. "Creating a National Culture: Charles Willson Peale's George Washington at the Boxing of Princeton in History and Memory." Record of the Art Museum, Princeton Academy 70 (2011): 4–17.
  • "George Washington in Pop Culture" Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington (2020)

External links [edit]

  • Offset await inside repaired Washington Monument CBS This Morning time Published on May 10, 2014; viewed on July 16, 2019


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